Page 14 - Adelante August 2020
P. 14

POLITICSTRUMP GAMBIT TO EXCLUDE UNDOCUMENTED PEOPLE FROM CENSUS WILL BACKFIRELatest dog-whistle political move by President Trump is more of the same: a cheap try to scare immigrants from being counted; they are not falling for it.Los Angeles -- President Trump is once again trying to scare and erase immigrants with an illegal ban on undocumented participation in the census. In issuing this ban, he's in contempt of court and in violation of the Constitution.Just about a year ago, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to prohibit Trump from including a citizenship question in the census. Indeed, the surveys that residents across the nation have been filling out since March have no such question, and we have no reason to believe they will change in mid-process.The Constitution requires that the census count all persons in this country every ten years. No Trump tweet, bloviation, or executive order can go around that. This isanother gambit from a President who has long since lost the attention of a nation absorbed with more urgent matters, like the fight against COVID-19. Everyone must be counted, especially in this pandemic.Please attribute the following statements to Esperanza Guevara, CHIRLA's census program manager:"This ban is par for the course from a Trump administration with only one discourse, hate, and one tactic, chaos. But this country is on to him, and people continue to turn their back on this train wreck of a presidency.""We will continue to follow the law and to encourage everyone to participate in the census. We know the benefits, we believe in the process, and Trump can no longer distract us from working to improve our communities."14WWW.ADELANTEMAGAZINE.COM | TO ADVERTISE IN ADELANTE MAGAZINE CALL 323-256-6639

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