The recent
coronavirus outbreak has pushed personal health to the forefront on the minds
of many travelers. Whether you are concerned or not about this particular
virus, it’s a good wake-up call to make sure you have the tools you need to
stay healthy while traveling.
Most avid travelers have a special medicine
“goody” bag that they won’t leave home without. The bag is comprised
of those essential vitamins, medicine, and other medicine cabinet items whose
services they have needed time and again on their travels. The following is a
list of the ten most important medicine cabinet items that should accompany you
on all foreign travels, whether you’re staying in five star Accommodations, or
spending $10 a night roughing it in a tent site.
Probiotics: Probiotics are dietary
supplements, and live microorganisms containing potentially bacteria or yeasts,
which promote intestinal health and functioning. Probiotics encourage
intestinal microflora balance, and promote the healthy functioning of the
intestinal system. So, they can be especially beneficial in the digestion of
unfamiliar foods.
Antibiotics: Antibiotics can be
essential in healing intestinal Infections, but you will need to consult your
doctor for an antibiotic prescription. The use of prophylactic antibiotics is
not recommended for simple cases of traveler’s diarrhea, since they are often
ineffective in preventing traveler’s diarrhea and there are potential side
effects such as allergic reactions and the possibility of developing
Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen doesn’t just
numb the pain. It actually decreases inflammation, and thus can assist in
healing as well as providing long term relief of sun burns, head or muscle
aches, a sore throat, etc. It’s inexpensive, non-addictive, and easy to obtain.
Multivitamin: Each of the 13
essential vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, B12, and the 7 B-complex vitamins) provides
the regulation of a crucial bodily functions, and if we are deficient in any of
these, we can become ill. Since travel puts a degree of stress and strain on
our bodies, and our diets can change dramatically while in foreign
destinations, it is even more important that we do not rely solely on the foods
we eat for the vitamins we need.
Antibacterial Gels: Using
alcohol-based hand sanitizers (the CDC recommends at least 60% alcohol)
certainly reduces the chance of coming down with a gastrointestinal illness as
well as others. However, using them is not as effective as washing your hands
for at least ten seconds with soap and water. These gels or wipes are ideal for
times when soap and water simply aren’t available. Bonus: wipe down your
tray table and arm rests with sanitary wipes.
Antacid: Antacids are used to help
with heartburn, upset stomach, acid indigestion, and sour stomach, because they
counteract the effects of extra stomach acid. That spicy enchilada and fifth
margarita sounds like a good idea until your stomach can’t handle it, and then
you’ll be glad you brought your Tums.
Antihistamine: Antihistamines are
very useful for reducing allergic reactions and inflammation, and their uses
stem beyond alleviating traditional allergies. Especially when traveling, you
never know when you will encounter something new to which you are allergic, or
when you will develop a reaction to something common, like the sun!
Antihistamines can also alleviate the symptoms associated with insect bites,
stings, and sunburns.
8. Diarrhea medicine: Diarrhea medicine can feel like a life saver, and
there is debate on whether one should take it, since some believe your body
needs to expel whatever is in the body. However, diarrhea can also lead to
dehydration, and most would agree that stopping diarrhea is vital to stopping
dehydration. Diarrhea medicine can also alleviate the feelings of dizziness and
stomachaches associated with traveler’s diarrhea.
Tweezers: Tweezers are one of the
many things we take for granted in our medicine cabinets at home, but as soon
as you have a painful splinter or ingrown hair, you’ll wish you had them with
you. They take up virtually no room nor weight in your bag, so there is no
reason to leave on a trip without a pair.
10. Face
Masks: Bring a face mask in case you
are seated near someone coughing, sneezing, or displaying another action that
makes them seem ill.
11. Sleeping Aid: If you have difficulty sleeping at home, this may be
magnified while trying to sleep on planes and foreign hotel beds. Perhaps
nothing is more frustrating, nor makes you feel more haggard, than enduring a
long flight when you simply cannot sleep. Consult your doctor for one that is
right for you. As an alternative to hard core sleep aids, three to five
milligrams of Melatonin may be all you need to kick start your sleep. Melatonin
is naturally found in the body and has other health benefits as well; for
instance, it even helps your body acclimate faster to new time zones.
In addition to these travel items, I recommend
that you wash your hands often, and avoid touching your face with your
hands. Use a tissue to open bathroom doors. On planes, keep the air
vents above your seat open, to blow air away from you. Lastly, one of the
most important things is that you do not fly if you are feeling sick.
Stay Healthy with These Eleven Essentials for your Travel Bag