FERMIN CERVANTES – MR.Gay World New Mexico 2021
By Al Ballesteros,
Photos by: Fermin Photography
Edad/Age: 43
Estatura/Height: 5’7”
Peso/Weight: 145 Lbs.
Facebook: Fermin Cervantes
Instagram: cervantes_fermin
Fermin Cervantes is Mr. Gay World New Mexico 2021. He is from Coyame del Sotol, Chihuahua, Mexico and lives in Albuquerque.
The crowning organization is the Mr. Gay World Contest, an organization that promotes positive recognition of gay men who are working to create a better world for all. 2021 was the first year that the Mr. Gay World organization extended an invitation for contestants to all 50 states in the United States. This title is kept for one year or until a new Mr. Gay World New Mexico is chosen. Prior to this title, Fermin was Rey Vaquero New Mexico 2018 (Cowboy King), then El Rey New Mexico. He also placed as Mr. Congeniality California in 2019.
The organization is said to select contestants who fit the criteria for the International platform. Fermin says the organization selected him after reviewing his accomplishments. “They liked the work I had done in my community”. This includes Fermin’s work with organizations to promote Human Rights for immigrants in the United States. Among these are international amnesty organizations that assist victims of human trafficking in different parts of the world. Fermin has been doing this type of important work as a volunteer for more than 15 years, connecting those in need with entities that can help them. His regular job is a Certified Nursing Assistant.
Fermin went on to compete in the Mr. Gay World USA contest in Florida, however he did not place, but his teammates did. In fact, Mr. Maine won first, and Mr. Massachusetts took second. The Mr. Gay World contest is scheduled to take place in South Africa later this year.
Adelante: Why are these types of contests and titles important?
Fermin: “They bring awareness of the LGBT community to the larger community. This visibility is important for youth and the larger straight Latino community to see positive role models who are gay and that put themselves out there for the good of the community.”
“This title has opened a lot of doors in New Mexico. LGBT issues are not spoken about much in New Mexico among the Latino mainstream community and this forum provides an opportunity to have those conversations. I was also the first to be chosen for a statewide title who is of Latino decent and focused on the Spanish-speaking community. This has led to positive things.”
Adelante: What do you do for the community?
Fermin: “We hold car washes and variety shows in clubs and other events to raise money for poor people in need. We have raised funds for funeral expenses or to help someone in need get a wheelchair.” “We’ve provided grocery bags for people affected by Covid-19 and we have helped some families get rental assistance. We get a lot of help from the straight community. The Mexican Consulate has helped as well.
Fermin has helped transgender persons in the local immigrant community with information on seeking asylum. To do this, he interacts with consulates to bring resources to the community. At times this involves arranging for speakers that can educate on asylum and adoption, for instance.
“My goal is to bring positive changes for people who don’t have access to the opportunities to be who they want to be. With a title or not, I think we all have to be grateful for where we are and continue to make this world better for everyone, starting with our own community,” says Fermin.