Eros Ramazzotti – Alas y Raíces
Sony Music
Con 11 canciones, el esperado material llega a las tiendas tras dos años de haberse publicado “e2”, último trabajo de Ramazzotti que lo hizo acreedor a diez discos de platino, además de ser el álbum más vendido en su nación en el 2007. Dímelo a Mí es el corte elegido para presentar el nuevo disco y ya suena fuertemente en la radio.
Reyli – Que vueltas da la Vida
Sony Music
El tercer disco en la carrera de este cantautor de origen mexicano, cuenta con once temas inéditos, los cuales sin duda ponen en evidencia una vez más la gran capacidad interpretativa de este artista. El primer sencillo lleva por nombre “¿Qué Nos Pasó?”, canción que actualmente ocupa se escucha en las radios de México.
Nek – Nuevas Direcciones
Warner Music Latina
El cantautor Italiano NEK, interprete de éxitos como “Laura no está”, regresa al panorama musical de la mano de una de las producciones más esperadas del año titulada “Nuevas Direcciones”, del cual se desprende su primer sencillo promocioanl “Deseo que ya no puede ser”. Nuevas Direcciones es ya todo un éxito en Italia.
Christian McBride – Kind Of Brown
Mack Avenue Records
McBride is one of the most prominent jazz artists of his generation. This year marks McBride’s 20th Year in the Music Industry. As an accomplished Bassist, Producer and Artistic Director, Christian has collaborated with artists across all musical genres. To celebrate this milestone, McBride releases Kind of Brown with his new acoustic quintet Inside Straight.
The Black Eyed Peas – The E.N.D.
Interscope Records
The E.N.D. is The Energy Never Dies, the fifth studio album from the Los Angeles-based quartet, and the group’s most adventurous-sounding effort to date. It is an album that has the unmistakable club bounce and playful lyrical fervor fans have come to expect from them. But it is also an album inspired by the underground world of electro and rock-infused house music.
The Betrayed
MGM Home Entertainment
Melissa George stars as Jamie Taylor, a young woman who regains consciousness after a bad accident and finds herself held captive. A man looms overhead, telling her that if she wishes to ever see her little boy again, she must make the ultimate sacrifice – to kill her husband. The kidnappers insist that he is actually a brutal killer who has stolen millions from their mysterious crime syndicate.
Mr. Troop Mom
Warner Home Video
George Lopez star as a different sort of dad in the Nickelodeon original TV movie Mr. Troop Mom. Eddie Serrano (Lopez) is a workaholic lawyer/widower, who must climb mountains, ford streams and more as “Team Mom” in order to bond with his tween daughter in this camp-set comic adventure. Now on DVD.
The Edge of Love
Image Entertainment
In the bohemian underground of World War II London, a stirring love story ignites among legendary poet Dylan Thomas and the two extraordinary women who inspire him. Caitlin is Thomas’ free spirited wife, while Vera is the long-lost teenage sweetheart who later reconnects with Thomas. Despite their romantic rivalry, the two women form a surprisingly close bond. On DVD July 14th.
Summit Entertainment
Knowing stars Nicolas Cage as a college professor who opens a time capsule buried at his son’s elementary school. In it are some chilling predictions – some that have already occurred and others that are about to – that lead him to believe his family plays a role in the tragic events that are about to unfold. On DVD July 7.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high as humankind has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of the Earth’s riches and change its patterns of consumption. Now available on DVD.
Book Reviews
Object of Desire – William J. Mann
Kensington Publishing Corp.
Told in vivid detail, flashing back and forth between three time periods, Object of Desire is the story of Danny Fortunato, formerly one of the hottest go-go boys in West Hollywood now celebrating his 41st birthday in Palm Springs. At one time, Danny seemed to have it all. He was cute, funny, sexy and smart, but secretly Danny carried something with him from his teenage years that kept him from believing he was the golden boy. On the day he turned fourteen his sister Becky disappeared turning Danny’s whole world upside-down.
Santa Olivia – Jacqueline Carey
Grand Central Publishing
Loup Garron was born and raised in Santa Olivia, an isolated, disenfranchised town next to a US military base inside a DMZ buffer zone between Texas and Mexico. A fugitive “Wolf-Man” who had a love affair with a local woman, Loup’s father was one of a group of men genetically-manipulated and used by the US government as a weapon. The “Wolf-Men” were engineered to have superhuman strength, speed, sensory capability, stamina, and a total lack of fear, and Loup, named for and sharing her father’s wolf-like qualities, is marked as an outsider.
The Eat-Clean Diet For Men
Tobert Kennedy & Tosca Reno
Eating Clean was originally developed by, and for, men. So when men Eat Clean they are assured of getting the foods they love, and in quantities that feed their manly muscles. Along with her husband Robert Kennedy, Tosca Reno shows men the way to take care of their specific health problems and their sexual health while creating their optimal physiques, and the best news? They never have to count calories or eat like rabbits while doing so.
María Celeste Arrarás – Vive tu Vida Al Rojo Vivo
Atria Books
Vive tu Vida al Rojo Vivo transporta al lector tras bastidores al fascinante mundo de la televisión, donde con frecuencia las cosas son muy diferentes a lo que sale en pantalla y donde la competencia es feroz. Este libro será de gran interés para los que estén buscando dirección en el ámbito profesional, sea o no dentro del campo de las comunicaciones y también para quienes ya hayan escogido una carrera y estén buscando abrirse paso en determinada industria.
Tierra de Todos – Jorge Ramos
Vintage Español
Estados Unidos es un país que hoy tiene habitantes de primera y de segunda clase. Esto tiene que cambiar, y pronto. Hay 12 millones de indocumentados, pero también hay una esperanza: la promesa que Barack Obama le hizo a Jorge Ramos de que durante su primer año como presidente apoyaría una reforma migratoria. Tierra de Todos es un libro urgente y necesario, que pretende ayudar a que se realice esta reforma. Este es un libro que da voz a los que no la tienen. Un libro que todo inmigrante debe tener y, sobre todo, este es un libro que todos los que critican a los inmigrantes deben leer, para que entiendan que Estados Unidos es un mejor país gracias a todas las personas que vinieron de otros países.
Fiddler On The Rood
Pantages Theatre – JULY 23 – AUGUST 9
“Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as…as a FIDDLER ON THE ROOF,” announces Tevye, a humble milkman from the Russian village of Anatevka. So begins the tale of love and laughter, devotion and defiance, and changing traditions. When his daughters choose suitors who defy his idea of a proper match, Tevye comes to realize, through a series of incidents that are at once comic and bittersweet, that his children will begin traditions of their own. Tevye’s wrestling with the new customs of a younger generation is punctuated by a memorable score including “If I Were A Rich Man;” “Sunrise, Sunset;” “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” and “Tradition.”