Lady Gaga x Terry Richardson
Grand Central Publishing Hardcover
A visual dialogue between Lady Gaga and Terry Richardson, showcases over 350 color and black and white photographs taken during the 10 month period in which Richardson followed Lady Gaga and had complete access to her everyday live, with nothing being off limits. Beginning with Lollapalooza in August 2010 to the February 2011 Grammy Awards which had 26.66 million viewers, to the final shows of her Monster Ball tour which averaged an attendance of 90,000 people each day, Richardson brilliantly captures the intimate, random, behind-the-scenes moments of Lady Gaga in both her professional and personal life.
The Beatles – Su historia en anécdotas
William Blair
Ediciones Robinbook
Un homenaje al legendario grupo de música The Beatles, esta retrospectiva examina los acontecimientos de su música y sus vidas. Desde cómo se reunieron hasta su separación y las muertes de algunos de los miembros, este libro examina lo peor y lo mejor de este grupo renombrado. Responde a preguntas como ¿Cuáles fueron los nombres del grupo antes de adoptar The Beatles? ¿A quién cantó Lennon sus primeras canciones de amor? Y ¿Qué pasó en el programa de Ed Sullivan? Este referencia absorbente incluye una gran cantidad de anécdotas y detalles, así como información sobre la última aparición de John Lennon en el escenario.
Don’t Let Me Go
J.H. Trumble
Kensington Publishing Corp.
Some people spend their whole lives looking for the right partner. Nate Schaper found his in high school. In the eight months since their cautious flirting became a real, honest, tell-the-parents relationship, Nate and Adam have been inseparable. Even when local kids take their homophobia to brutal levels, Nate is undaunted, He and Adam are rock solid. Two parts of a whole. But when Adam graduates and takes an Off-Broadway job in New York – at Nate’s insistence – that certainty begins to flicker. Nate starts a blog to vent his frustrations and becomes the center of a school controversy, drawing ire and support in equal amounts. But it is the attention of an underclassman who is looking for more than guidance that forces him to confront who and what he really wants.
Los mejores cuentos de los Mares del Sur
Jack London
Ediciones Robinbook / Navona Editorial
Una colección de narraciones de gran alcance por el famoso escritor Jack London, Los mejores cuentos de los Mares del Sur transporta al lector al paisaje tropical del Pacífico colonial de fines del siglo XIX. Los cuentos derivan su intensidad de las aventuras verídicas del mismo autor, quien intentó deshacerse de sus obsesiones desplazándose miles de millas hacia el sur y explorando un mundo nuevo y sorprendente.
Over the Edge
TLA Releasing
Med-school dropout Jason is in a funk. Working as a photocopier repair-man he can’t bear the thought of leaving the house, let alone going to hid mundane job. As he becomes increasingly isolated, losing sense of time and perspective, he begins to have blackouts. Intriguingly, as the blackouts become more frequent so too do the discovery of murdered men and women all over town. Confused, he enlists the help of co-worker Richard – who also happens to be the object of his unvonsummated affection – aim to unravel these mysterious deaths.
Shakira – En Vivo Desde Paris
Sony Music Latin
Este especial en vivo que fue grabado en el Palais de Bercy, Paris, Francia, incluye éxitos mundiales como “Waka Waka (Esto es África),” “Hips Don’t Lie” y “Whenever, Wherever.” El tour mundial “Sale el Sol” que inició en el otoño del 2010 en Montreal, Canadá y concluyó en el otoño del 2011 en San Juan, Puerto Rico, incluyó 112 shows en 42 países y más de 100 ciudades alrededor del mundo, con una audiencia de más de dos millones de personas.
Adele – Live At The Royal Albert Hall
XL/Columbia Records
Recorded at the height of this amazing year, showcases exactly why Adele has become one of the most sought after live performers in the world. Featuring the full 90 minute performance. This is the first time fans will be able to hear all of Adele’s hits and best loved songs on one CD plus her stunning covers of Bonnie Raitt’s “I Can’t Make You Love Me” and The Steeldrivers’ “If It Hadn’t Been For Love”.