Fiesta Mexicana IX
SAT September 24, 7 pm
Ford Amphitheatre
Presented by: Star Entertainment & Education Group, a Raul Ruiz Production
Viva Mexico! With a long tradition of honoring Los Angeles’ rich local musical heritage, Fiesta Mexicana continues to deliver an event that gets you moving in your seat and clapping to the beat. A “variedad” (variety) concert, the show features the sensational Mariachi Monumental de America de Juan José Almaguer; the voices of Roberto Romo, Cindy Luna, Alex La Toree, Gabriel González, Michelle Márquez; recording artist Belinda Gómez; and the phenomenal Banda Futura.
Entre Él y Yo
Luis Carlos Barrera Peña
Francisco saca del anonimato a Lucas luego de escuchar su historia y nos cuenta del despertar gay del adolescente con un guatemalteco mucho mayor que él. La distancia, el oprobio familiar y la incertidumbre del futuro a los dieciséis años hacen a Lucas buscar el reemplazo de aquel amor lejano del que no logra desprenderse y, desilusionado, pierde la brújula de su vida en más de alguna ocasión en esa lucha incansable que le representará defender su naturaleza dentro de una sociedad abiertamente homofóbica pero es férreo en la faena que, se convence, vale la pena.
Blackmail Boys
TLA Releasing
After moving to Chicago to attend art school, Sam begins to enter the world of prostitution to help pay the bills. His longtime, long-distance boyfriend Aaron can’t stand to be apart from him and joins Sam, determined to find enough work so that Sam can give up having to turn tricks for cash. When the two decide to get married and move to a state where it is legal, their financial worries become intensified until Aaron catches Sam with a prominent client, and everything takes a wicked turn for the worst.