By: Daniel Pearce, D.O., FCOI, AAHIVMS

Pre Exposure Prophylaxis works great at preventing HIV transmission with Truvada® or Descovy®, but sometimes the meds are misplaced or forgotten. Sex is sometimes hard to plan for. There are On Demand dosing for PrEP where you take one some hours before, another one just before sex, and then one the next two mornings; this equals 4 pills. This is handy for those whose partner is home only once a week, for example. The alternative is taking one pill every day. It all depends on the frequency of sex.
Now we have Cabenuva which can be given monthy for 2 doses, and then every second month. Before the first injection there is a period some providers may ask you to take the pill form to make sure it is tolerated. That pill is protective too.
For those who have trouble remembering a daily pill, this is going to be a great advance. Also there are many in the younger age groups who don’t’ take any other medication and don’t have the habit of daily pills. Others don’t want to think about HIV or HIV risk much. Personally, I prefer pills and am pretty disciplined about taking my medications, so if I needed PrEP I would use the pill.
Warning: preventing Hepatitis C, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia is not covered by these strategies.

There was a great study that showed that those under more stress had accelerated aging—their markers for age-induced body changes was “older.” The way to lower this aging effect was the ability to control their emotions better and self-discipline. These two qualities made them able to handle the stress better and caused less damage to their bodies. Of course, if aging is accelerated, then death will happen sooner. They will develop diseases and conditions associated with much older people such as strokes, heart attacks, cancer, poor control of infections.
Researchers can see effects of aging on cells and through blood tests.
Not all stress is bad and can push us to improve our lives or how we can manage the stress better. But being in a relationship or job you must force yourself to engage in will wear you down.
If you need help managing your stress better, ask your provider for a referral to a mental health specialist. Many insurances give you the ability to refer yourself! Call the number on the back of your card to see if this applies to you. There is no health without mental health!
In presenting cases, a provider may state, “a 45-year-old male who looks older than his stated age. I’m sure you have seen people who look much younger or older than the actual age they are.

A new British study showed that exercising shrunk their esophageal tumors prior to surgery during the chemotherapy phase more than those who did not exercise. Yet again, lifestyle improvements show great benefits physically (and emotionally).

Deaths due to alcoholism, drug use, and suicide are classified as deaths of despair. Why does the US have higher numbers? Most other industrialized nations offer more help during pre-school, child care, elementary and high school, and college. Higher taxes are not evil if you think of what they buy.
The rich, of course, can afford to pay for these types of assistance and shout anti-Tax messages on the media. This widens the gap between the haves and have-nots. The sad part is that the have-nots vote to continue to widen this gap or don’t vote at all. And the haves are passing laws making it more difficult for the have-not voters to vote or count.
Oh no! I am getting into despair, but writing this is a positive action I’m taking to change the sad condition of our country.

Some think it is an auto-immune condition: the body makes antibodies against other body parts, e.g. Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis. Some evidence points to this route since the severe lung disease of Covid is of this type.
Another theory is small blood clots. This makes sense since Covid does cause blood clots and many are put on an anticoagulant upon entering the hospital with Covid to prevent the clots. Also many different organs are hit, from fatigue to specific, unusual pains, to kidneys, liver, heart, brain, emotions. Small blood clots might explain the great variety in symptoms. Researchers are gathering more information and the US government has given much funding to this effort since many may be surprisingly disabled from long Covid.

Keep those questions coming and be safe!

Daniel Pearce, D.O., FACOI, AAHIVMS
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Loma Linda University School of Medicine Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine and HIV, Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine and Midwestern University Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine HIV, Hepatitis B,C, Transgender, Suboxone Specialist, Borrego Health (Riverside, San Bernardino, San Jacinto) Member, Coachella Valley Clinical Research Initiative